Brisbane - Barry Pde

Establishment and gas station at 44 Barry Parade, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about Brisbane - Barry Pde: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Contact Information

Establishment   Gas station  

44 Barry Parade
Fortitude Valley
QLD 4006
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+61 7 3356 5999


4 /5

Based on 1 reviews

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Reviews of Brisbane - Barry Pde

    Knox Podiatry Added April 02, 2020
    Closed down - google please delete
    Srinivas Rajapuram Added April 02, 2020
    It’s abandoned and closed. Please take off this place from internet.
    ͅ ͅ Added March 27, 2020
    Zarni Lwin Added March 23, 2020
    They’ve been closed for few months!!!
    Michael Collins Added March 13, 2020
    Its closed and homeless people are living in and around it
    Galen Yip Added July 06, 2017
    Good place to refill before return the car rental at Europcar.

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Questions & Answers

1. What is the phone number for Brisbane - Barry Pde

The phone number for Brisbane - Barry Pde is +61 7 3356 5999.

2. Where is Brisbane - Barry Pde located?

Brisbane - Barry Pde is located at 44 Barry Parade Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006.

3. Is there a primary contact for Brisbane - Barry Pde

You can contact Brisbane - Barry Pde by phone using number +61 7 3356 5999.

4. What is the web address (URL) for Brisbane - Barry Pde

The website for Brisbane - Barry Pde is .

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Today's weather in Fortitude Valley QLD

13:00 25 1021 hPa 65 % 5 m/s 16:00 25 1021 hPa 61 % 5 m/s 19:00 23 1020 hPa 69 % 3 m/s 22:00 23 1021 hPa 74 % 3 m/s

Tomorrow's weather in Fortitude Valley QLD

01:00 22 1020 hPa 81 % 3 m/s 04:00 21 1019 hPa 83 % 3 m/s 07:00 21 1021 hPa 85 % 3 m/s 10:00 24 1021 hPa 80 % 4 m/s 13:00 25 1019 hPa 80 % 4 m/s 16:00 24 1018 hPa 81 % 4 m/s 19:00 23 1019 hPa 89 % 3 m/s 22:00 22 1019 hPa 92 % 2 m/s

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